Wichita Falls Family Law Attorney, Richard T. Sutherland offers a variety of short podcasts explaining common issues in divorce and family law in Wichita Falls, Texas. Click on the titles to access the podcasts on our Wichita Falls Family Law website.
Call Richard T. Sutherland in Wichita Falls, Texas at (940) 691-2100 if you need help or send an e-mail through the website on the Contact Us page.
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Child Support Calculations in Texas
Every child support matter is unique and the rules that apply to child support calculation depends on your child support obligor’s employment and financial standing. For example, there are unique rules that apply to members of the armed services.
Community and Separate Property in Texas
About Community Property generally: Texas law defines community property as being the property, other than separate property, acquired by either spouse during the marriage. Separate property is defined as being property owned or claimed by a spouse before marriage. Property acquired by a spouse during marriage by gift, devise or descent and the monetary proceeds for an injury sustained by a spouse during the marriage, except for lost earnings and medical expenses.
Listening to this Texas child custody and conservatorship podcast can help people better understand how conservatorship works, and it can be confusing. People often call Attorney Sutherland reporting they have joint custody, and many times those parents are joint managing conservators with rights to child support, to determine the residence of a child and primary possession and access to the child, for example. If you only take one thing away from this podcast, custody and conservatorship are not the same in Texas divorce and family law.
Geographic Restrictions and Relocation
Texas courts imposes geographic restrictions until the child reaches the age of 18 and the court no longer has jurisdiction over the child, or when the non-custodial parent or conservator no longer resides within the geographical area imposed by the court. The geographic restriction may also be lifted when the custodial parent files a petition to modify the order which granted the restriction.
Who is liable for a debt and what property is subject to execution to satisfy the debt liability? We use the examples of the purchase of a truck and the transfer of title to a house.
What happens to the parties if the husband defaults on the note he used to buy the truck? Is the wife liable? If the bank sues the husband, it can seek to collect its judgement from three sources.
Military Deployment and Custody in Texas
Military deployment, military mobilization or temporary military duty can impact the lives of parents with children in and around Wichita Falls, Texas. In this monthly Wichita Falls Family Law podcast discussion with Attorney Richard Sutherland, we discuss a few of the key issues and answer common questions about the impact of military deployment and child custody.
Premarital Agreements in Texas
So long as the terms do not violate Texas law, there are seemingly endless opportunities to determine who gets what at the end of a marriage when making a valid and enforceable premarital agreement in Texas.
Welcome to The Wichita Falls Family Law Podcast
On the inaugural Wichita Falls Family Law podcast, Attorney Richard Sutherland offers and overview of common questions in Texas divorce and family law.
Richard T. Sutherland represents people and families in Wichita County, Archer County, Baylor County, Clay County, Foard County, Hardeman County, Jack County, Montague County, Wise County, Young County and Wilbarger Counties in North Texas and has accepted cases in other areas West, North-Central and in South Texas.