Custody Problems, Modifications, and Enforcements as Kids Grow Up

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    When parents divorce and negotiate or litigate child custody, the factors considered are in the best interests of the child at the time of the divorce, looking into the foreseeable future. However, things can change and the circumstances of the child and parents can lead to modifications and enforcements of the final divorce decree.

    When custody problems arise as kids grow up, the parents can work together to make changes to their custody agreement. However, if the conflict is high, there might not be room for negotiation. If necessary, enforcement or modification cases may be necessary. Modifications and enforcements are new lawsuits and follow formal procedure, similar to a divorce.

    A lawsuit for modification of what many call custody, is filed to modify the rights and responsibilities of joint managing conservators, as having possession and access, and for making the determination of the residence of a child. The entire arrangement does not need to change, and in many cases, the modification or enforcement may only be about one particular parental right, duty, or activity.

    Call Wichita County custody lawyer Richard T. Sutherland if you have custody problems because your kids are growing up and you may need to change custody and visitation agreements. (940) 691-2100.

    Listen to the Texas Child Custody and Conservatorship podcast to learn more!

    Getting Into Good Schools and College

    Admission standards are competitive on the path to best schools and educational programs. Parents frequently focus on college planning checklists in Grade 9 or earlier. In addition to getting the best possible grades is important. The level of classes matters and practice testing and courses preparing students for the SAT and ACT are common.

    If the parent with the right to establish the child’s residence happens to move into a new school district, conflict can ensue. While the parent might find more house for the money in one district, the other parent worries the academic standards in that district do not measure up. When concerns about a long path to a great college could be comprised, a custody modification suit could be forthcoming.

    Sports and Extracurricular Activities

    The NCAA: What Prospective Student-Athletes Need to Know

    Student-athletes have a range of goals. While some are focused on nothing more than being a starting player on a winning team, other young athletes are competing for college scholarships and the recruiters they want to take notice. Parents of student-athletes take on what seems like extra part-time jobs with the demands of coaches, practice, and game schedules, often involving significant travel and expense.

    Custody problems can arise when both parents are joint managing conservators and have rights to make decisions about their children and participation in sports. When one parent does not want their son playing tackle football, a high-conflict disagreement can lead the parties back to court.

    Children Hanging Out With the Wrong Crowd

    See this Family Education article, What to Do When Your Kid Gets in Trouble at School

    The last thing parents want to hear is that their child is getting into trouble at school, or off-campus because they are hanging out with kids who might not be the best influence. Toxic friends and changes in behavior can be a sign that something is going wrong with a child. It may be a reaction to something missing in their life, or something recently added, like a parent starting a new relationship.

    Child behavior and trouble with toxic friends do not necessarily signal a failure in parenting. Despite the best childcare and parenting, children can cause conflict and problems. If there is a situation where the child is abused or neglected, a modification of conservatorship and possession and access may be vital to the safety of the child.

    New Relationships Among Kids and Parents

    Former spouses are not required to like their ex’s new partners. They may, however, have limitations on bringing the new partner around children. Children do well around happy and healthy relationships, and they also do well when they feel safe and secure with family. Depending on how long ago the divorce was, and the age of the children, they may take well to a new person. Whether the new love interest has their own kids can be another factor affecting peace at home.

    As a parent watching your former spouse date and consider remarrying, the focus is on the new person we do not know. Are they good with your kids? Are they stable people? How do we know? What happens when we suspect they have substance abuse problems? While sometimes getting used to change takes time, change can also cause conflict and when more happens, parents can end up suing to change custody and parental rights and responsibilities.

    Custody Problems as Kids Grow Up: Hiring an Experienced Lawyer for Enforcements and Modifications. Call Custody Lawyer Richard T. Sutherland, in Wichita County, Texas (940) 691-2100

    Wichita County Custody lawyer Richard T. Sutherland represents people and families in Wichita County, Archer County, Baylor County, Clay County, Foard County, Hardeman County, Jack County, Montague County, Wise County, Young County and Wilbarger Counties in North Texas and has accepted cases in other areas West, North-Central and in South Texas. Contact Mr. Sutherland’s office for a consultation today.

    People in Wichita Falls and the surrounding areas call Richard T. Sutherland when they need an experienced and aggressive trial attorney for custody problems, modifications, and enforcements as kids grow up and circumstances change.

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Phone: (940) 691-2100

Address: 2629 Plaza Parkway, Suite B-19
Wichita Falls, Texas 76308